I am beyond whiny today… I am apologizing in advance for it. If
you are not in the mood to hear grumblings, than I recommend watching something
adorable: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whAL87ZZSJ8&feature=youtu.be
How I am feeling:
Today I am 31 weeks and 5 days. For the most part, I feel great
and I consider myself very lucky for it. I am not experiencing swelling and varicose
veins. I think I just found my first stretch mark although it is only the size
of a tooth pick (it may just be a scratch on second thought) so I can’t
complain about that… and I have had not had a “baby scare” in months… MEM is
moving great, no bleeding, nothing… I have been very blessed with this
pregnancy and I hope the next two months go as smoothly.
But can I be a brat for a minute?
I am tired, my lower back hurts, at night I tend to get a sharp
pain in my left butt cheek (yes, an actual pain
in my ass – sciatica I am assuming) and I’M TIRED. I really can’t stress
that enough. Blame it on the crappy sleep for the past three months but it all
seems to be hitting me like a ton of bricks. In the last week I have also noticed
an increase in abdominal pressure, tightening and cramping – maybe because I
only get the opportunity to poop two-three times a week. I miss regularity. Yes,
TMI but to be honest, I fart unintentionally so often in front of everyone (colleagues,
peers, family, the dog), I have lost any shame I may have had before pregnancy.
To top it all off, my work situation is not good right now. I can’t
go into detail on a public forum, but the whole thing does not make life easier
and my anxiety level is rising. I am looking forward to time off with the baby.
Ok, I am done.
In better news, I signed up for a prenatal yoga class on Tuesday
and Thursday evenings at the community college near my office. I have taken the
class a few times before with the same instructor (different location), who
happens to be our doula too, and I really enjoy it. But don’t think for a
moment that because the term “prenatal” is inserted in front of the class’ name
that it is any easier than a normal yoga class. The class kicks my ass. Maybe because
I was never into yoga prior to the pregnancy or because I am out of shape at
this point. There are five of us in the class and I am the youngest new mother…
In fact there is a 46 year old first time mom. She is in amazing shape and her
attitude is so bright, I really think the world of her.
Chad and I are finally buying the nursery’s paint this weekend (we
were waiting for the semi-annual sale at Sherwin Williams) and hopefully we can
work on that on Sunday. Saturday afternoon I am finally getting my butt to see
Kris’ new house. I can’t wait for a night of board games, food and cock
Fun in the coming weeks:
Vegas in 15 days: Don’t worry, my doctor said traveling prior to
35 weeks is just fine and I don’t need special permission from the airline.
Thanksgiving: 20 days
Baby Shower: 28 days
Chanukah: 36 days
Christmas: 53 days
BABY MILDENSTEIN: 45-73 days (I’ll be 38-42 weeks along)
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