Friday, January 14, 2011

Boy am glad I never got the VIRGO tramp stamp I was considering

I have never been a huge follower of the Zodiac trend – with the exception of my cell phone’s daily application reminding about my love relationships and financial forecasts, I don’t know a whole lot about the theories and history of the astrological signs/horoscopes.

Based on announcements/findings made recently “The star doctors say Earth is currently in a different spot in relation to the Sun, and its equatorial alignment has changed from 3,000 years ago when the study of astrology began -- back when 12 zodiac signs were assigned to 12 different periods of the year.”

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So ladies and gents, based on the above, please take a moment to find you new sign:

Capricorn: Jan. 20 - Feb. 16

Aquarius: Feb. 16 - March 11

Pisces: March 11- April 18

Aries: April 18- May 13

Taurus: May 13- June 21

Gemini: June 21- July 20

Cancer: July 20- Aug. 10

Leo: Aug. 10- Sept. 16

Virgo: Sept. 16- Oct. 30

Libra: Oct. 30- Nov. 23

Scorpio: Nov. 23- Nov. 29

Ophiuchus: Nov. 29- Dec. 17

Sagittarius: Dec. 17- Jan. 20

Obviously my world is not shaken or ended by my adjustment from VIRGO to LEO, but I think it is interesting that the concept of Zodiac is changing. But don’t worry diehard followers of the stars, according to Astronomer Parke Kunkle, these new sign designations should not affect our daily horoscopes – a tool that some people use to predict/steer their relationships, financial decisions, dating compatibility, and even their general daily outlook.

One more thing… what hell is Ophiuchus?? The new 13th sign! Weird.


  1. I am SO PISSED about this. I LIKED being a Capricorn. Eff Sagittarius, I'm ignoring science.
