Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Seeing IS believing

The last few weeks have been non-stop. Two weeks ago, Chad and I finished our month run of “Wizard of Oz” – Chad was an exceptional Cowardly Lion and my performance as an Ozian and Putter wrangler was not half bad either. I was just happy to have the opportunity to spend so much time with Chad. For that reason alone, the show was worth doing – not to mention I got to spend a lovely amount of time with my nephew, Putter. He kicked ass as ToTo.

We also got to hang out with The Balls last weekend to include Rich and Holly, two of my favorite people. They are so down to earth and an absolute pleasure to be with and it is always great to see them. Mama Ball gave me a great T-shirt “fabulous and pregnant,” I am looking forward to proudly wearing that throughout the second half of my pregnancy.
Chad and I camped with a group of our friends this past weekend and we had a really good time. S'mores, campfires and watching your friends binge drink can make for a great time even if you wish you could have a beer with them ;-)
The 3d shots were neat
This was gives you a nice profile shot
So the baby... we are halfway there (barring any late or early arrival)! The absolute highlight of the last few weeks was the 20 week sonogram we had two Saturdays ago. For the first time, MEM looked like a real person… 10 toes, 10 fingers, spinal cord, bladder, kidneys… a delightful heartbeat. For the first time, I felt so connected to this pregnancy and the baby RAPIDLY growing in my belly. It was in that moment that I stopped caring I did not have the perfect round baby bump or about my financial fears or all of the imminent life changes Chad and I are facing because in that moment I started to love this being, this human Chad and I have created. Maybe I should have fallen in love the moment we conceived, when the blood testing confirmed my pregnancy or the day the baby is actually born but I don’t care about “supposed to” – everyone is different and this was our moment.
Hey boo!
MEM decided to keep her/his body in a
V formation throughout the sono.
Hello gymnast! 
This past Friday I had my follow up visit with Dr. Cooke and while she had not seen my sonogram photos yet (Umm, wtf?) but she did not seem concerned. The heartbeat sounded strong and she seems pleased with my progress. Next appointment – Sept. 14. At that point, my uterus should be above belly button level and she will begin using a tape measure to measure my stomach.  

Organized thoughts:
How far along are you? 21 weeks

Total weight gain: Six pounds, much less than I thought going into my doctor’s appointment. I still have a lot of trouble with the scale but I was a big girl and hopped on! From here on out, I should be gaining about a pound a week – crazytown!

How big is the baby? : Coming up on a pound! “Fatty fatty two x four, can’t fit through my vaginal door” Kidding of course… this baby has lots of weight to go.

Maternity clothes: My pants are a no go right now… with some pairs I can get away with the bella band but I am beginning to sport maternity pants a few days a week. I don’t have the baby bump yet but hot damn has my body changed. The weight I have gained seems to have moved to my belly and abdomen.  

Stretch marks?: No – When I was younger, I had the pleasure of getting stretch marks during a period of rapid weight gain but after losing the weight, they faded  but my stomach was never the same. My skin is a bit stretched and I may have enough to help the baby grow and avoid stretch markes (wishful thinking?).

Sleep: I have my good days and bad days. Because I should be avoiding positions on my stomach and back, I am more conscious of position throughout the night. I know it is not the end of the world if I wake up positioned on my front or back but I seem to be keeping it in the back of mind while I am sleeping… waking me up if I not sleeping “right.” Also, if I have anything to drink before bed, I will have to pee by 4:30 AM.

Best moment this week: Little kicks and I am still glowing from the 20 week sono a few weeks ago.

Movement: A handful of times a day – I can’t wait until Chad can feel it too.

Food cravings: Last night, out of nowhere, I had the hankering for pasta… I hate Olive Garden but after seeing a commercial for their endless pasta bowl I called Chad to ask him to stop and grab spicey sausage for my menu change (screw pork chops!). I feel like I could eat last night’s meal for every meal, right now. Other than that… unsweetened iced tea with a few equal has been hitting the spot.

Food aversions: F U Pico de Gallo

Labor signs: Not that I would know what those “signs” feel like… but nope. I did have a scary moment yesterday – at lunch, out of nowhere, I started shaking and things got really foggy. I think my blood sugar dropped. What an awful feeling… my doctor is out this week but the medical assistant told me to head to hospital if it happened again, words no pregnant woman wants to hear.

Belly button in or out: In.

What I miss: Wine and beer. Ugh… sushi…

What I'm looking forward to: Starting the nursery Labor Day weekend!

I’m hungry. Fin.

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