Monday, October 1, 2012

Third Trimester, Baby!

The past month has gone by in a blink – Getting from 24 weeks to 27 weeks took no time. It is hard to believe I am moving into the third trimester! 12 weeks and 6 days to go… under the assumption M.E.M does not decide to come early or late (statistically it will be one or the other).

27 Weeks. Sporting Momma Ball's gift to me
"Pregnant and fabulous!"
We have made no progress on the nursery – we went to buy the paint but could not get the color right so we are waiting until the Donald Duck photo canvas is delivered to match the paint. This disappointment led to tears at Sherwin Williams; my husband is so lucky. I am about 90% sure we have the furniture situation figured out thanks to a co-worker who is donating her kid’s stuff (I have no issue with used goods!).

The belly has finally started to really grow. But I will tell you that most people give me the “I can’t believe how not pregnant you look!”

Here is my rant. Pregnant women who have gained about 15 pounds don’t really want to hear that – we want to think that the weight we have gained is contributing to some kind of delightful baby bump and nothing else. I know the truth is that weight gain is not just absorbed by your uterus, but is distributed amongst many changing body parts. But I don’t care. Also, every time I see someone who knows I am pregnant, the first thing they do is look at my stomach. Before it was my boobs, now is my tummy – when will my face be noticed?

Chad and I found a doula – She is a certified by DONA and acts a prenatal yoga instructor. I have taken her yoga class a few times; although it is a challenge, I really enjoy it. It helps me sleep which is a welcomed benefit at this point of the pregnancy. When the time comes, Stacy (the doula) will come to our house and help Chad, help me. She is also trained in a number of techniques to help my labor progress and remain as comfortable as possible. Since a natural birth is still our goal, I am glad she will be there to coach us and be our advocate when we are in the hospital.

Total Weight Gain: As of my appointment at 25 weeks, I was up about 12 pounds. We don’t have a scale in the house right now... purposely.

What I miss: I am not going to lie, I miss cocktails and beer. We went to two weddings this weekend and taking advantage of the open bars would have been delightful. I miss beer on Sundays and a glass of wine while I make dinner – two traditions I had become very fond of prior to pregnancy.

Sleep: Getting better – for a while, staying asleep throughout the night was a challenge. It still is but now I am able to fall back asleep as opposed to stay and think for 15-45 minutes.

Symptoms: I feel like my nausea is creeping back… not vomiting but I am getting the gag attacks a bit… this morning, the smell of my dog’s paws made my sick.  

Cravings: Nothing lately, for a while it was seafood.

Gender: Not sure and we won’t know for about 12 more weeks. Mia or Max will be determined when we deliver.

Movement: Changes from day to day. In fact, we had a few days that I was not feeling much of anything. As a result, I had a minor freak out and got a sonogram out of the deal. I have not heard from my doctor but she believes in “No news is good news.” Since those few days have passed, the baby has been moving just fine and I am not as concerned. The baby has been moving a lot in the afternoon lately and not as much at night. My favorite moment at my last appointment was when the baby kicked the Doppler… it was adorable.

I will say that after that weekend of little movement, I consider every kick to be a blessing.

Maternity Clothes: Oh, I had to say goodbye to my jeans about two or three months ago – This past month, most of my shirts are a no go, too.

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